

发布日期:2023-09-20 04:52  点击次数:88



League of Legends (LoL) is one of the most popular online multiplayer games in the world. As a competitive e-sport, the game has its own professional scene, with teams and players who compete at the highest level. One of the key aspects of LoL e-sports is team play. In this article, we will explore the art of teaming in the context of LoL e-sports.

Building a Team

Building a successful LoL team requires a combination of individual skill, team synergy, and strategic planning. The first step is to recruit players who have strong individual skills, but who also can work well together. Communication is key in LoL, so players should be willing and able to communicate effectively with their teammates.

Once a team has been assembled, it's important to invest time in developing team synergy. This involves becoming familiar with each other's play styles and learning to anticipate each other's actions. Team members should also learn how to communicate in-game, using pings and chat to convey important information quickly and clearly.

Role Assignment

One of the most important aspects of LoL team play is role assignment. Each player on the team should be assigned a specific role to play, such as top laner, mid laner, jungler, ADC, or support. Each role has its own responsibilities, and each player should be skilled in their respective role.

In addition to individual roles, each team should also have a shot caller, who makes strategic decisions during the game. The shot caller should be someone who has a good sense of strategy and is able to make quick decisions under pressure.


Practice is essential to becoming a successful LoL team. Teams should practice together regularly, focusing on developing their teamwork, communication, and strategy. During practice sessions, teams should analyze their games and identify areas where they can improve. They should also experiment with new strategies and compositions.

In addition to practicing together, teams should also participate in tournaments and scrimmages against other teams. This will give them the opportunity to test their skills against other teams and identify areas where they need to improve.


Teaming in LoL e-sports is an art that requires a combination of individual skill, teamwork, and strategic planning. Building a successful team requires recruiting skilled players who can work effectively together, developing team synergy, assigning roles and a shot caller, and practicing together regularly. By focusing on these areas, LoL teams can improve their chances of success in the competitive e-sports scene.

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